To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose one’s self
- Søren Kierkegaard

About Me

I am a bilingual clinical psychologist with extensive training and experience in providing psychotherapy to diverse adult populations. I received my master’s degree in clinical psychology from Peking University and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from University of Hawaii at Manoa. I have trained and worked as a generalist at several universities, including Northwestern University (post-doctoral fellow), Virginia Commonwealth University (staff psychologist and eating disorder specialist), and Case Western Reserve University (senior psychologist). I love working with people from diverse backgrounds and feel honored to have helped with a wide range of issues presented in individual therapy, group therapy, and couples therapy. At present, I work as a staff psychologist at Harvard University Health Services while maintaining a private practice in Boston.

As an immigrant, I understand, both intellectually and experientially, the challenges in adapting to new cultures and in straddling two worlds. This personal history enriches professional experience and allows me to work with individual struggles through nuanced multicultural lens.

In addition to direct clinical work, I am the proud translator of several seminal therapy books from English to Chinese, including Dr. Irvin Yalom’s Existential Psychotherapy (in collaboration with two colleagues in Beijing) and The Gift of Therapy. I serve on the Expert Committee for MyTherapist (Jiandanxinli), the largest therapist platform in China. I have been providing supervision and trainings to therapists in both US and China. I have also served on the editorial board for Asian American Journal of Psychology.